07 February 2015

Video Interview with Delaney


How are you all settling into school ? It's been my first few days of high school, and, I have to admit, I was a little scared. But everyone at my school is super duper lovely and I am having so much fun !

And, also, sorry for my absence, I have been so busy ! But I get my laptop next Tuesday, so lot's more posts coming YOUR way !

Anyway, a while ago Delaney and I decided to do an interview ! But not an ordinary interview... a VIDEO interview ! so, without further ado (drumroll please) I present to you...


I hope you enjoyed, and comment below if you want to see any more collaborations between Delaney and myself !!

P.S cudos to Delaney for her awesome editing skills !!

Find Delaney:
Her Instagram
Her Blog

Thanks so much for reading,
Georgina xx


  1. Awesome! I watched this video on 'Delaney Days' but for some reason the video doesn't come up on yours. Oops! Cute video though!

    - Brianna

    1. Ooooops! It appears I didn't copy the whole code... I think I have fixed it now!

      Thanks Brianna !
      X G


Thanks for your comment! I will reply to and publish it as soon as possible, so check back soon! xo Georgina