27 September 2015

hosier lane

Last Sunday, my parents went into the city to the David Bowie exhibition, so my brother and I got to walk around Melbourne for a couple of hours. I decided to (attempt) to get my brother to shoot a fashion shoot - not the best idea ever! The photos aren't amazing, but he will get better over time! My top is from Target, shorts are also from Target and my shoes are from Rubi Shoes!
What's your favourite part of the city you live in?
Georgina x
p.s another hosier lane post and some beach pictures + macro and a whole heap of other stuff should be up soon!


  1. Haha I'm guessing Hamish wasn't the best photographer! Great post �� - Millie


Thanks for your comment! I will reply to and publish it as soon as possible, so check back soon! xo Georgina